Item Details

Eft Skin     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Shade Tights +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 39, 23, 21
Braves JacketIngredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 60, 51, 99
Shade Harness +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 42, 24, 25
Chasuble +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 56, 51, 90
Stout JacketIngredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 59, 2, 99
Shade Mittens +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 38, 21, 21
Braves WarbonnetIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 31, 95
Shade Tiara +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 37, 24
Shade Leggings +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 40, 22, 21
Wise Braconi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 41, 84
Stout BonnetIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 17, 95

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Intulo Bibiki Bay 12% Normal
Vee Qiqas Elemental Abyssea-Konschtat 11% Normal
Sarcophilus Abyssea-Konschtat 11% Normal
Bellicose Tarichuk Foret de Hennetiel 10.3% Normal
Tartarus Eft Bibiki Bay 9% Normal
Hypnos Eft Bibiki Bay 9% Normal
Eft Bibiki Bay 8% Normal
Canyon Eft Abyssea-Tahrongi 8% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.