Item Details

Manji Shuriken     
Level: 48 NIN

Weapon Details

Damage: 63
Delay: 192
Hits: 1
Skill Type: Throwing
Damage Type: Piercing


Item does not appear to have any stats.

Latent Effects

Item does not appear to have any Latent Effects.


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Manji ShurikenResult Smithing 65

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Sozu Sarberry Temple of Uggalepih 26% Normal
Yagudo Assassin Castle Oztroja 25% Normal
Cryptonberry Cutter PsoXja 24% Normal
Tonberry Slasher Den of Rancor 24% Normal
Tonberry Decapitator Den of Rancor 24% Normal
Tonberry Cutter Temple of Uggalepih 4% Normal
Tonberry Chopper Yhoator Jungle 3% Normal
Tonberry Stabber Temple of Uggalepih 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Tenshodo (Norg) #3 7333 10120