Item Details

Lambent Wind Cell     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Bannaret MailIngredient Smithing 40
Taikyoku KenpogiIngredient Clothcraft 21
Aiming GlovesIngredient Leathercraft 29
Halo ClaymoreIngredient Smithing 44
Spirit SwordIngredient Alchemy 57
Jolt AxeIngredient Bonecraft 24
Navy AxeIngredient Smithing 45
Piercing DaggerIngredient Goldsmithing 16
Deathbone KnifeIngredient Bonecraft 44
Gimlet SpearIngredient Woodworking 21
Broach LanceIngredient Woodworking 86
HanafubukiIngredient Smithing 66
TsurugitachiIngredient Goldsmithing 67
Assailants AxeIngredient Smithing 26
Regiment KhetenIngredient Smithing 58
Pastoral StaffIngredient Woodworking 53
Smash CestiIngredient Leathercraft 20
Noble HimantesIngredient Leathercraft 55
Spirit MaulIngredient Alchemy 74
Jet SickleIngredient Bonecraft 50

Monster Drops

No monster drop information available.

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.