Item Details

Spool Of Karakul Thread     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Leather PotIngredient Alchemy, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 15, 22, 92
Spool Of Karakul ThreadResult Clothcraft 55
Spool Of Karakul ThreadResult Clothcraft 55
Square Of Karakul ClothIngredient Clothcraft 57
Moon SashIngredient Clothcraft 99
Marid Mantle +1Ingredient Leathercraft 79
Cerberus Mantle +1Ingredient Leathercraft 95
Ebon BraisIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 60, 95
Ebon SlopsIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Smithing 95, 35, 60

Monster Drops

No monster drop information available.

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Clothcraft Guild (Al Zahbi) 2700 17280