Item Details

Spool Of Wamoura Silk     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Square Of Wamoura ClothIngredient Clothcraft 90
Spool Of Wamoura SilkResult Clothcraft 88
Spool Of Wamoura SilkResult Clothcraft 88
Spool Of Wamoura SilkResult Clothcraft 87
Spool Of Wamoura SilkResult Clothcraft 88
Spool Of Wamoura SilkResult Clothcraft 88
Square Of Imperial Silk ClothIngredient Clothcraft 59
Orochi Nodowa +1Ingredient Bonecraft 98
Moon SashIngredient Clothcraft 99
Mezraq +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 52, 15, 101
Dark Mezraq +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 48, 32, 82
Thalassocrat +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 60, 40, 100
Shirogatana +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 94, 6, 31
Snakeeye +1Ingredient Bonecraft 87
Chelona Gloves +1Ingredient Clothcraft 103
Chelona Hat +1Ingredient Clothcraft 104
Chelona Blazer +1Ingredient Clothcraft 106
Dauntless MantleIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 40, 103
Thalassocrat +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 60, 60, 106
Square Of Oil-soaked ClothIngredient Alchemy, Clothcraft 41, 78

Monster Drops

No monster drop information available.

BCNM Drops

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Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.