Item Details

Square Of Coeurl Leather     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Lock Of Manticore HairResult Bonecraft 91
Square Of Coeurl LeatherResult Leathercraft 71
Square Of Coeurl LeatherResult Leathercraft 71
Square Of Coeurl LeatherResult Leathercraft 71
Square Of Coeurl LeatherHQ Bonecraft 72
Square Of Sheep LeatherHQ3 Leathercraft 88
Square Of Coeurl LeatherHQ Leathercraft 88
Square Of Coeurl LeatherHQ Leathercraft 90
Coral FragmentHQ2 Bonecraft 74
Cermet ChunkHQ2 Alchemy 90
Torama MaskIngredient Leathercraft 87
Torama JerkinIngredient Leathercraft 89
Mermans HarnessIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 80, 34
Torama GlovesIngredient Leathercraft 88
Mermans MittensIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 74, 48
Torama TrousersIngredient Leathercraft 83
Mermans SubligarIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 72, 46
Torama LedelsensIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 28, 84
Mermans LeggingsIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 76, 41
War Boots +1Ingredient Leathercraft 85
Genie LappasIngredient Bonecraft 97
Genie WeskitIngredient Alchemy, Bonecraft, Leathercraft 29, 99, 49
Genie TiaraIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 91, 38
Genie HuarachesIngredient Bonecraft 95
Torama CestiIngredient Leathercraft 72
Jamadhars +1Ingredient Alchemy, Smithing 78, 29
Espadon +1Ingredient Alchemy 90
Square Of Coeurl LeatherHQ Leathercraft 89
Gatta Strap +1Ingredient Leathercraft 90

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Goblin Furrier Batallia Downs 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Leathercraft Guild (Southern San d'Oria) #1 7490 38301