Item Details

Darksteel Chain     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Darksteel ChainResult Smithing 63
Darksteel ChainResult Smithing 63
Cursed Breeches -1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing 42, 92
Bascinet +1Ingredient Smithing 67
Celata +1Ingredient Smithing 87
Yasha Jinpachi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 51, 93
Haubergeon +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 38, 69
Hauberk +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 31, 89
Dragon Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 90, 41
War Shinobi Gi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 90, 60
Darksteel Breeches +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing 27, 66
Arhats Jinpachi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 81, 42
Rasetsu Jinpachi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 91, 41, 42
Yasha Tekko +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 94, 41, 41
Royal Knights Mufflers +2Ingredient Smithing 69
Royal Knights Sollerets +2Ingredient Smithing 67
Plastron +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 54, 34, 97
Hachiman Domaru +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing 31, 96
Luisant HaubertIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Smithing 1, 51, 64
Akinji PetiIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 57, 66, 50
Hachiman Kote +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing 47, 93
Luisant SaladeIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 55, 62
Hachiman Hakama +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 93, 48
Luisant BrayettesIngredient Leathercraft, Smithing 48, 61
Marid Belt +1Ingredient Leathercraft 81

Monster Drops

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BCNM Drops

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Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.