Item Details

Elm Log     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Piece Of Elm LumberIngredient Woodworking 25
Piece Of Elm LumberIngredient Woodworking 25
Sheet Of Bast ParchmentIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 29, 45
Jug Of Rich HumusIngredient Woodworking 9

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Ravin Raven Caedarva Mire 5% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Dropping Like Flies 9% 5
Dropping Like Flies 9% 5
Petrifying Pair 36.8% 2
Petrifying Pair 36.8% 3
Petrifying Pair 36.8% 2
Petrifying Pair 36.8% 3
Birds Of A Feather 12.5% 4
Birds Of A Feather 12.5% 4
??? 12.5% 4
??? 9% 5
??? 36.8% 2
??? 36.8% 3
??? 12.5% 4
??? 9% 5
??? 36.8% 2
??? 36.8% 3

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Woodworking Guild (San d'Oria) #1 1723 10295
Woodworking Guild (Al Zahbi) 1401 10295