Item Details

Piece Of Holly Lumber     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Simple BedIngredient Clothcraft, Woodworking 4, 20
CabinetIngredient Woodworking 81
Book HolderIngredient Woodworking 31
Federal Mercenarys HammockIngredient Woodworking 60
Piece Of Holly LumberHQ Goldsmithing 80
Piece Of Holly LumberResult Woodworking 12
Piece Of Holly LumberResult Woodworking 12
Piece Of Holly LumberResult Smithing 36
Iron IngotResult Smithing 21
Piece Of Holly LumberResult Woodworking 19
Piece Of Holly LumberResult Woodworking 89
Piece Of Holly LumberResult Woodworking 79
Sheet Of ParchmentHQ2 Woodworking 20
Piece Of Ether HollyIngredient Alchemy 91
Targe +1Ingredient Smithing 36
Holly Clogs +1Ingredient Woodworking 18
Kingdom ClogsIngredient Woodworking 23
Metal Knuckles +1Ingredient Smithing, Woodworking 21, 1
Fine ClaymoreIngredient Leathercraft, Smithing, Woodworking 13, 41, 5
Greatsword +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing, Woodworking 18, 52, 9
Battleaxe +1Ingredient Smithing, Woodworking 26, 4
Greataxe +1Ingredient Smithing, Woodworking 31, 16
Zaghnal +1Ingredient Smithing, Woodworking 28, 7
Scythe +1Ingredient Smithing, Woodworking 32, 2
Holly Staff +1Ingredient Woodworking 19
Holly Pole +1Ingredient Woodworking 13
Piccolo +1Ingredient Woodworking 20
Federation StaffIngredient Woodworking 24
Voulge +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 21, 36, 5
Leucous Voulge +1Ingredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing, Woodworking 59, 48, 9
Falx +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 22, 13, 39
Fusion BoltIngredient Smithing, Woodworking 81, 16
Tewhatewha +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 50, 60, 40
Dark Adaman BoltIngredient Woodworking 70

Monster Drops

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BCNM Drops

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Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Woodworking Guild (San d'Oria) #1 607 2559
Woodworking Guild (Al Zahbi) 607 2559