Item Details

Gold Ingot     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Nobles BedIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Woodworking 56, 50, 78
Royal BedIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Woodworking 59, 54, 87
DresserIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Woodworking 35, 49, 85
ArmoireIngredient Goldsmithing, Woodworking 49, 90
Coffee TableIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Woodworking 45, 5, 95
Marble BedIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 30, 86
Walahra BurnerIngredient Goldsmithing, Woodworking 93, 6
Imperial TapestryIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 21, 94
Shield PlaqueIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Woodworking 43, 84, 39
Cermet ChunkHQ2 Goldsmithing 97
Bronze IngotHQ2 Goldsmithing 76
Brass IngotHQ3 Goldsmithing 23
Brass IngotHQ3 Goldsmithing 24
Square Of Manticore LeatherHQ2 Goldsmithing 92
Piece Of Holly LumberHQ3 Goldsmithing 80
Steel IngotHQ2 Goldsmithing 83
Spool Of Silver ThreadHQ3 Goldsmithing 82
Silver IngotHQ2 Goldsmithing 68
Silver IngotHQ3 Goldsmithing 69
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 53
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 54
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 51
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 52
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 58
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Platinum IngotResult Goldsmithing 99
Gold SheetIngredient Goldsmithing 54
Gold SheetIngredient Goldsmithing 54
Gold ChainIngredient Goldsmithing 55
Gold ChainIngredient Goldsmithing 55
Square Of Ram LeatherHQ3 Clothcraft 96
Spool Of Gold ThreadIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 58, 41
Spool Of Gold ThreadIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 58, 41
Cermet ChunkHQ3 Goldsmithing 77
Cermet ChunkHQ2 Goldsmithing 93
Lump Of Tama-haganeHQ3 Goldsmithing 75
Square Of Ram LeatherHQ3 Goldsmithing 78
Steel IngotHQ3 Goldsmithing 59
Iron IngotHQ2 Goldsmithing 73
Cursed Crown -1Ingredient Goldsmithing 91
Cursed Schaller -1Ingredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing, Smithing 41, 97, 51
Handful Of Gold ArrowheadsIngredient Goldsmithing 60
Spool Of Brilliant Gold ThreadIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 58, 41
Spool Of Dull Gold ThreadIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 58, 41
Spool Of Shiny Gold ThreadIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 58, 41
Gilt BucklerIngredient Goldsmithing 80
Royal Knight Army Shield +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 85
Temple Knight Army Shield +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 85
Admirals ShieldIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 60, 5, 90
Kaiser ShieldIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 97, 58
Gilt ArmetIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 54, 72
Darksteel Armet +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 51, 82
Gem BarbutaIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 60, 98
Aristocrats CrownIngredient Goldsmithing 71
Gold Hairpin +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 58
Gilt CuirassIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 59, 78
Darksteel Cuirass +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 49, 87
Gem CuirassIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 60, 103
Dusk Jerkin +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 41, 100
War Aketon +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 86, 51, 41
Gilt GauntletsIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 54, 77
Darksteel Gauntlets +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 45, 86
Gem GauntletsIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 60, 102
Gilt CuissesIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 51, 71
Gem CuissesIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 58, 97
Gilt SabatonsIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 54, 74
Darksteel Sabatons +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 54, 84
Gem SabatonsIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 60, 100
Nobles GorgetIngredient Goldsmithing 56
Brisingamen +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 100
Torque +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 77
Muscle Belt +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 92
Gold Earring +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 57
Gold Ring +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 60
Kings CuirassIngredient Goldsmithing 89
Iron Musketeers Armet +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 77
Gold Bangles +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 70
Iron Musketeers Gauntlets +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 82
Iron Musketeers Sabatons +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 78
Iron Musketeers Cuisses +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 76
Iron Musketeers Cuirass +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 83
Conte CorazzaIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 59, 9, 95
Sheikh GagesIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 41, 46, 96
Conte ManopolasIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 8, 52, 94
Hachiman Kote +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing 47, 93
Kings GauntletsIngredient Goldsmithing 88
Conte ZucchettoIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 91, 41
Kings ArmetIngredient Goldsmithing 83
Conte GambierasIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 89, 38, 45
Hachiman Sune-ate +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Smithing 47, 51, 95
Kings SabatonsIngredient Goldsmithing 85
Kings CuissesIngredient Goldsmithing 81
Kaiser KnucklesIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 36, 91
Gold Patas +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 76
Adaman Kris +1Ingredient Smithing 100
Mailbreaker +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 69
Colichemarde +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 88
Verdun +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 99, 53
Rapier +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 83, 28
Epee +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 85
Jagdplaute +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Goldsmithing 58, 81
Wing Sword +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 90
Anelace +1Ingredient Smithing 94
Hanger +1Ingredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 66, 39
Platinum Cutlass +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 84
Gold Sword +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 72
Gold Algol +1Ingredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 100, 52
Nadziak +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 50, 93, 20
Tabarzin +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 57, 99, 33
Bhuj +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 44, 95, 42
Ox Tongue +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 57, 60, 100
Golden Spear +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 82
Ashura +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 75
Kazaridachi +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 87, 41, 53
Buzdygan +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 49, 98
Platinum Mace +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 82
Scepter +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 39, 96
Platinum Rod +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 86
Hexagun +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 60, 77, 37
Hellfire +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 54, 89, 50
Gold BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 85, 50
Chakram +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 59, 31
Moonring Blade +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 73, 53
Rising Sun +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 51, 87
Fuma ShurikenIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 53, 85
Primate Staff +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 53, 47, 99
Kilij +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 47, 72, 16
Musketeers Sword +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 88
Amir JambiyaIngredient Bonecraft, Goldsmithing, Smithing 98, 53, 43
Barchha +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 39, 50, 92
Junior Musketeers Chakram +2Ingredient Goldsmithing 65
Tsars EggIngredient Goldsmithing 100
Toporok +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 26, 99, 51
Darksteel Voulge +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 3, 75, 7
Adargas +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 45, 77, 30
Sainti +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Woodworking 66, 58
Amood +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 101, 12, 58
Gem SaintiIngredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 54, 91, 43
Black Adargas +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 1, 76, 16
Flanged Mace +1Ingredient Smithing, Woodworking 84, 10
Bahadur +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 19, 99
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 60
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 57
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 75
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 58
Steel IngotHQ2 Goldsmithing 86
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 70
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 70
Foppish Tunica +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 115, 60
Shabti Cuisses +1Ingredient Smithing 101
Sasanuki +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing, Woodworking 60, 102, 60
Shabti Gauntlets +1Ingredient Smithing 103
Bahadur +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 60, 104
Shabti Armet +1Ingredient Smithing 106
Blurred Lance +1Ingredient Smithing 107
Shabti Cuirass +1Ingredient Smithing 109
Terebrokath +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing, Woodworking 60, 60, 110
Gold IngotResult Goldsmithing 57
Fylgja Torque +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 110

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Goblin Enchanter Castle Zvahl Keep 8% Normal
Goblin Draftee North Gustaberg [S] 8% Normal
Battlerigged Chariot Abyssea-Altepa 8% Normal
Drekavac Abyssea-Attohwa 8% Normal
Ironclad Cleaver Abyssea-Attohwa 8% Normal
Tunga Abyssea-Attohwa 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Up In Arms 5.5% 5
Up In Arms 5.5% 5
Treasures And Tribulations < 1% 1
Treasures And Tribulations < 1% 1
Jungle Boogymen 15.4% 4
Jungle Boogymen 15.4% 4
??? < 1% 1
??? 15.4% 4
??? 5.5% 5
??? < 1% 1
??? 15.4% 4
??? 5.5% 5

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.