Item Details

Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
PeridotHQ3 Goldsmithing 20
Jeweled Collar +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 90
Nimble EarringIngredient Goldsmithing 85
Nimble Earring +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 90
Nimble RingIngredient Goldsmithing 95
Nimble Ring +1Ingredient Goldsmithing 99
Jagdplaute +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Goldsmithing 58, 81
EmeraldHQ Goldsmithing 81

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Treble Noctules Abyssea-Tahrongi 19.9% Normal
Cuelebre Abyssea-Tahrongi 7.8% Normal
Adze Abyssea-Tahrongi 7.5% Normal
Alectryon Abyssea-Tahrongi 7% Normal
Hedetet Abyssea-Tahrongi 6% Normal
Muscaliet Abyssea-Tahrongi 6% Normal
Lachrymater Abyssea-Tahrongi 6% Normal
Mictlantecuhtli Abyssea-Tahrongi 6% Normal
Minhocao Abyssea-Tahrongi 6% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Horns Of War 9.9% 6
Horns Of War 9.9% 6
??? 9.9% 6
??? 9.9% 6

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Goldsmith Guild (Mhaura) 106400 116736