Item Details

Spool Of Rainbow Thread     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Marble BedIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 30, 86
Spool Of Rainbow ThreadHQ Clothcraft 87
Steel IngotHQ2 Clothcraft 89
Spool Of Gold ThreadHQ2 Clothcraft 98
Square Of Ram LeatherHQ3 Leathercraft 91
Square Of Ram LeatherHQ2 Clothcraft 96
Spool Of Gold ThreadHQ2 Clothcraft 102
Square Of Dhalmel LeatherHQ3 Clothcraft 98
Spool Of Silver ThreadHQ3 Clothcraft 95
Spool Of Rainbow ThreadResult Clothcraft 78
Spool Of Rainbow ThreadResult Clothcraft 78
Spool Of Rainbow ThreadResult Clothcraft 94
Coeurl WhiskerResult Woodworking 93
Square Of Rainbow ClothIngredient Clothcraft 80
Ball Of Saruta CottonHQ3 Clothcraft 81
Spool Of Silk ThreadHQ3 Clothcraft 94
Spool Of Rainbow ThreadHQ Clothcraft 99
Loop Of Carbon FiberHQ2 Clothcraft 86
Spool Of Sirens MacrameIngredient Clothcraft 91
Premium BagIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 27, 54, 62
Square Of Silver BrocadeIngredient Clothcraft 76
Square Of Rainbow VelvetIngredient Clothcraft 79
Square Of SailclothIngredient Clothcraft 69
Square Of Gold BrocadeIngredient Clothcraft 86
PapillionIngredient Alchemy 97
Seikenshi HabakiIngredient Clothcraft 50
Seirenshi HabakiIngredient Clothcraft 64
Seihanshi HabakiIngredient Clothcraft 78
Coral Scale Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft 80
Gavial Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 103, 26
War Shinobi Gi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 90, 60
Yasha Samue +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 97, 46, 51
Coral Finger Gauntlets +1Ingredient Bonecraft 74
Gavial Finger Gauntlets +1Ingredient Bonecraft 97
War Gloves +1Ingredient Clothcraft 81
Coral Cuisses +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 72, 1
Gavial Cuisses +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 95, 1
Coral Greaves +1Ingredient Bonecraft 75
Gavial Greaves +1Ingredient Bonecraft 99
Brocade Obi +1Ingredient Clothcraft 80
Prism ObiIngredient Clothcraft 90
Star SashIngredient Clothcraft 95
Arachne Obi +1Ingredient Clothcraft 84
Mahatma CapeIngredient Clothcraft 100
Arhats Gi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Smithing 89, 21
Penance RobeIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 31, 100
Roshi Jinpachi +1Ingredient Clothcraft 94
Mahatma HatIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 92, 21, 34
Penance HatIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 2, 93
Ceremonial BootsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 41, 96
Mahatma PigachesIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 52, 91
Penance SabotsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 1, 94
Dance Shoes +1Ingredient Clothcraft 98
Mahatma SlopsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 94, 26
Penance SlopsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 11, 98
Rasetsu Samue +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 99, 48, 52
Mahatma HouppelandeIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 96, 50, 30
Ceremonial DressIngredient Clothcraft 95
Hydra Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 93, 44
Kyudogi +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 100, 22, 26
Penance CuffsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 11, 97
Hydra Finger Gauntlets +1Ingredient Bonecraft 97
Hachiman Sune-ate +1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Smithing 47, 51, 95
Hydra Cuisses +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 96, 48
Hydra Greaves +1Ingredient Bonecraft 99
Moon SashIngredient Clothcraft 99
Mithran Fishing RodIngredient Woodworking 87
Izayoi +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 13, 87, 42
Spool Of Rainbow ThreadResult Woodworking 87
Spool Of Sifs MacrameIngredient Clothcraft 105
Sasanuki +1Ingredient Leathercraft, Smithing, Woodworking 60, 102, 60
Square Of Twill DamaskIngredient Clothcraft 74
Square Of FoulardIngredient Clothcraft 98

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Cuelebre Abyssea-Tahrongi 13.5% Normal
Pantokrator Abyssea-Uleguerand 10% Normal
Resheph Abyssea-Uleguerand 10% Normal
Alectryon Abyssea-Tahrongi 6% Normal
Shore Spider Abyssea-Misareaux < 1% 4

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
??? 4% 6
??? 6.3% 6
??? 5% 6
??? 5% 1
??? 4% 6
??? 6.3% 6
??? 5% 6
??? 5% 1
Sin (Empyrean) 14.2% 2
Sin (Empyrean) 23% 3

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.