Item Details

Yagudo Feather     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Piece Of Yew LumberResult Woodworking 23
Bag Of Yagudo FletchingsIngredient Clothcraft 22
Bag Of Yagudo FletchingsIngredient Clothcraft 22
Yagudo HeadgearIngredient Bonecraft, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 55, 80, 50
Yew Wand +1Ingredient Woodworking 23
HawkeyeIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing 35, 1
Bone ArrowIngredient Bonecraft, Woodworking 10, 2
Silver ArrowIngredient Goldsmithing, Woodworking 7, 30

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Yagudo Drummer Sauromugue Champaign 128% Normal
Yagudo Oracle Sauromugue Champaign 120% Normal
Yagudo Nokizaru Castle Zvahl Keep [S] 120% Normal
Yagudo Initiate West Sarutabaruta 113% Normal
Yagudo Interrogator Sauromugue Champaign 81% Normal
Yagudo Piper Tahrongi Canyon 52% Normal
Yagudo Acolyte West Sarutabaruta 47% Normal
Yagudo Condottiere West Sarutabaruta [S] 39% Normal
Yagudo Herald Sauromugue Champaign 16% Normal
Yagudo Scribe West Sarutabaruta 2% Normal
Yagudo Mendicant Tahrongi Canyon 2% Normal
Yagudo Persecutor Tahrongi Canyon 2% Normal
Yagudo Votary Meriphataud Mountains 2% Normal
Yagudo Theologist Meriphataud Mountains 2% Normal
Yagudo Priest Meriphataud Mountains 2% Normal
Yagudo Zealot Castle Oztroja 2% Normal
Yagudo Prior Castle Oztroja 2% Normal
Yagudo Lutenist Castle Oztroja 2% Normal
Yagudo Sentinel Castle Oztroja 2% Normal
Yagudo Inquisitor Castle Oztroja 2% Normal
Yagudo Muralist Castle Oztroja 2% Normal
Yagudo Abbot Castle Zvahl Keep 2% Normal
Yagudo High Priest Meriphataud Mountains [S] 2% Normal
Yagudo Missionary Sauromugue Champaign [S] 2% Normal
Yagudo Eradicator Castle Zvahl Baileys [S] 2% Normal
Yagudo Hierogrammat Castle Zvahl Keep [S] 2% Normal
Yagudo Yojimbo Castle Zvahl Keep [S] 2% Normal
Yagudo Flagellant Castle Oztroja [S] 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Clothcraft Guild (Windurst Woods) #1 26 192
Clothcraft Guild (Selbina) 26 192