Item Details

Handful Of Wyvern Scales     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Revival Tree RootHQ3 Alchemy 92
Square Of Sheep LeatherHQ2 Bonecraft 87
Handful Of Wyvern ScalesResult Alchemy 99
Handful Of Wyvern ScalesResult Bonecraft 96
Cursed Gloves -1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 92, 41
Cursed Leggings -1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 94, 35
Vivio Wyvern ScaleIngredient Bonecraft 73
Lithic Wyvern ScaleIngredient Bonecraft 73
Darksteel Shield +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 81, 58
Dragon Mask +1Ingredient Bonecraft 87
Dragon Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 90, 41
Dragon Finger Gauntlets +1Ingredient Bonecraft 84
Mermans MittensIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 74, 48
Dragon Cuisses +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 82, 1
Dragon Greaves +1Ingredient Bonecraft 85
Mermans LeggingsIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 76, 41
Unicorn Mittens +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 95, 46
Dragon Leggings +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 96, 45
Dragon Mittens +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 94, 51
Unicorn Leggings +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 97, 1

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 13% Normal
Za Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 7% Normal
Ladon Kuftal Tunnel 7% Normal
Guivre Kuftal Tunnel 7% Normal
Vouivre Ifrits Cauldron 7% Normal
Ungur Gustav Tunnel 7% Normal
Wyvern Labyrinth of Onzozo 7% Normal
Piscean Caster Abyssea-Konschtat 7% Normal
Balaur Abyssea-Konschtat 7% Normal
Bune Gustav Tunnel 5% Normal
Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 3% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Hostile Herbivores 9% 3
Hostile Herbivores 9% 3
Horns Of War 4.2% 3
Horns Of War 7% 8
Horns Of War 4.2% 3
Horns Of War 7% 8
Double Dragonian 5.4% 5
Double Dragonian 5.4% 5
Contaminated Colosseum 7.2% 5
Contaminated Colosseum 7.2% 5
Hills Are Alive 5.4% 3
Hills Are Alive 7.9% 7
Hills Are Alive 5.4% 3
Hills Are Alive 7.9% 7
Operation Desert Swarm 3.4% 4
Operation Desert Swarm 3.4% 4
Treasures And Tribulations 1.1% 1
Treasures And Tribulations 1.1% 1
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 2.4% 4
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 2.2% 8
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 2.4% 4
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 2.2% 8
??? 1.1% 1
??? 5.4% 3
??? 7.9% 7
??? 3.4% 4
??? 2.4% 4
??? 2.2% 8
??? 4.2% 3
??? 7% 8
??? 9% 3
??? 5.4% 5
??? 7.2% 5
??? 1.1% 1
??? 5.4% 3
??? 7.9% 7
??? 3.4% 4
??? 2.4% 4
??? 2.2% 8
??? 4.2% 3
??? 7% 8
??? 9% 3

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.