Item Details

Square Of Karakul Leather     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Leather PotIngredient Alchemy, Clothcraft, Leathercraft 15, 22, 92
Square Of Karakul LeatherResult Leathercraft 12
Square Of Karakul LeatherResult Leathercraft 12
Square Of Karakul LeatherResult Leathercraft 12
Sheet Of ParchmentIngredient Leathercraft 31
Set Of Chocobo BlinkersIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 17, 22
Cursed Helm -1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing 1, 99
Cursed Cuffs -1Ingredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 99, 4, 28
Hydra Mask +1Ingredient Bonecraft 100
Hermes Sandals +1Ingredient Leathercraft 100
Water TankIngredient Alchemy, Leathercraft 6, 1
Abtal JawshanIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 57, 49, 91
Akinji PetiIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 57, 66, 50
Hydra Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 93, 44
Abtal DastanasIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 6, 11, 87
Akinji BazubandsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 11, 27, 68
Marid Mittens +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 64, 18
Akinji SalvarsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 62, 53, 35
Princes SlopsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 74, 6
Abtal BootsIngredient Clothcraft, Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 12, 76, 38
Akinji NailsIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft, Smithing 54, 32, 65
Marid Leggings +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 66, 57
Akinji KhudIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 46, 64
Mamool Ja HelmIngredient Leathercraft 87
Troll CoifIngredient Leathercraft 82
Wivre Mask +1Ingredient Leathercraft 87
Orange Au Lait TankIngredient Cooking, Leathercraft 55, 12
Apple Au Lait TankIngredient Cooking, Leathercraft 66, 24
Pear Au Lait TankIngredient Cooking, Leathercraft 76, 49
Pamama Au Lait TankIngredient Cooking, Leathercraft 85, 37
Persikos Au Lait TankIngredient Cooking, Leathercraft 95, 34
Wivre Gorget +1Ingredient Bonecraft 86
Steel Kilij +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Smithing, Woodworking 18, 62, 29
Brass Jadagna +1Ingredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 82, 46
Naigama +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Goldsmithing, Smithing 88, 51, 51

Monster Drops

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BCNM Drops

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Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.