Item Details

Beetle Jaw     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Beetle JawResult Bonecraft 31
Silver IngotResult Bonecraft 27
Beetle JawResult Bonecraft 25
Beetle JawResult Smithing 48
Beetle JawResult Alchemy 63
Ram HornResult Bonecraft 47
Beetle JawResult Bonecraft 66
Behemoth HornResult Bonecraft 86
Beetle JawResult Goldsmithing 59
Beetle JawResult Bonecraft 59
Handful Of Beetle ArrowheadsIngredient Bonecraft 33
Handful Of Beetle ArrowheadsIngredient Bonecraft 33
Smooth Beetle JawIngredient Bonecraft 25
Beetle Mask +1Ingredient Bonecraft 28
Beetle Subligar +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 34, 9
Beetle Leggings +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 32, 8
Green GorgetIngredient Bonecraft 31
Beetle Earring +1Ingredient Bonecraft 27
Beetle Ring +1Ingredient Bonecraft 25
Rubious CrownIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 41, 13
Claws +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 8, 32
Mythril Claws +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 13, 48
Darksteel Claws +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 14, 56
Cermet Claws +1Ingredient Alchemy, Bonecraft 63, 16
Dragon Claws +1Ingredient Bonecraft 90
Gemshorn +1Ingredient Bonecraft 24
Horn +1Ingredient Bonecraft 47
Crumhorn +1Ingredient Bonecraft 66
Shofar +1Ingredient Bonecraft 86
Beetle Knife +1Ingredient Bonecraft 59

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Panzer Percival Jugner Forest 68% Normal
Chamber Beetle Garlaige Citadel 50% Normal
Warden Beetle Garlaige Citadel 50% Normal
Blazer Beetle Crawlers Nest 48% Normal
Goblin's Beetle Jugner Forest 37% Normal
Helm Beetle Crawlers Nest 37% Normal
Nest Beetle Crawlers Nest 29% Normal
Borer Beetle Garlaige Citadel 27% Normal
Diving Beetle Sauromugue Champaign 14% Normal
Gouger Beetle Sauromugue Champaign [S] 14% Normal
Goliath Beetle Ordelles Caves 13% Normal
Stag Beetle Meriphataud Mountains [S] 12% Normal
Hercules Beetle Carpenters Landing 10% Normal
Fungus Beetle West Ronfaure 10% Normal
Bonnet Beetle King Ranperres Tomb 10% Normal
Dung Beetle Ordelles Caves 10% Normal
Diamond Daig Quicksand Caves 10% Normal
Forester Beetle Batallia Downs [S] 10% Normal
Beady Beetle Carpenters Landing 9% Normal
Sand Beetle Eastern Altepa Desert 8% Normal
Desert Beetle Western Altepa Desert 8% Normal
Scarab Beetle East Ronfaure [S] 7% Normal
StagBeetle Jugner Forest [S] 7% Normal
Starborer Toraimarai Canal 6% Normal
Starmite Toraimarai Canal 6% Normal
Copper Beetle Palborough Mines 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Bonecraft Guild (Windurst Woods) #1 968 2952