Item Details

Ram Horn     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Piece Of Elm LumberHQ3 Woodworking 29
Spool Of Linen ThreadHQ3 Woodworking 17
Ram HornHQ Bonecraft 37
Ram HornHQ Bonecraft 47
Ram HornResult Bonecraft 29
ChrysoberylResult Smithing 78
Ram HornResult Goldsmithing 64
Handful Of Horn ArrowheadsIngredient Bonecraft 43
Handful Of Horn ArrowheadsIngredient Bonecraft 43
Handful Of Sleep ArrowheadsIngredient Alchemy, Bonecraft 64, 43
Beast HornIngredient Bonecraft 69
Wailing Ram HornIngredient Bonecraft 27
Horn Hairpin +1Ingredient Bonecraft 29
Horn Ring +1Ingredient Bonecraft 37
GladiatorIngredient Bonecraft, Smithing 6, 29
Bone Axe +1Ingredient Bonecraft 21
Bone Rod +1Ingredient Bonecraft 51
Elm Staff +1Ingredient Woodworking 29
Longbow +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Woodworking 1, 17
Kabura ArrowIngredient Bonecraft, Woodworking 53, 91
Horn +1Ingredient Bonecraft 47

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Rampaging Ram Konschtat Highlands 78% Normal
Amaltheia Lufaise Meadows 70% Normal
Steelfleece Baldarich Konschtat Highlands 70% Normal
DivineLiturgis Lufaise Meadows 70% Normal
Battering Ram La Theine Plateau 68% Normal
Tavnazian Ram Lufaise Meadows 41% Normal
Mosshorn Caedarva Mire 41% Normal
Lumbering Lambert La Theine Plateau 41% Normal
Bloodtear Baldurf La Theine Plateau 41% Normal
Tremor Ram Konschtat Highlands 41% Normal
Shadowhand Cuirassier Lufaise Meadows 41% Normal
Hammering Ram Abyssea-La Theine 41% Normal
Trudging Thomas Abyssea-La Theine 41% Normal
Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 3% Normal
Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 3% Normal
Za Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Hostile Herbivores 5.9% 3
Hostile Herbivores 5.9% 3
Horns Of War 7% 3
Horns Of War 2.8% 8
Horns Of War 7% 3
Horns Of War 2.8% 8
Double Dragonian 1.4% 5
Double Dragonian 1.4% 5
Contaminated Colosseum 1.4% 5
Contaminated Colosseum 1.4% 5
Hills Are Alive 5.4% 3
Hills Are Alive 10.9% 7
Hills Are Alive 5.4% 3
Hills Are Alive 10.9% 7
Operation Desert Swarm 6.7% 4
Operation Desert Swarm 6.7% 4
Prehistoric Pigeons 1.4% 5
Prehistoric Pigeons 1.4% 5
Treasures And Tribulations 1.1% 1
Treasures And Tribulations 1.1% 1
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 2.4% 4
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 3.6% 8
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 2.4% 4
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 3.6% 8
??? 1.1% 1
??? 5.4% 3
??? 10.9% 7
??? 6.7% 4
??? 1.4% 5
??? 2.4% 4
??? 3.6% 8
??? 7% 3
??? 2.8% 8
??? 5.9% 3
??? 1.4% 5
??? 1.4% 5
??? 1.1% 1
??? 5.4% 3
??? 10.9% 7
??? 6.7% 4
??? 1.4% 5
??? 2.4% 4
??? 3.6% 8
??? 7% 3

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Bonecraft Guild (Windurst Woods) #1 3060 15560