Item Details

Jar Of Firesand     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Jar Of FiresandResult Alchemy 40
Jar Of FiresandResult Alchemy 39
Jar Of FiresandResult Alchemy 40
Jar Of FiresandResult Alchemy 41
Jar Of FiresandResult Alchemy 42
CrackerIngredient Alchemy 15
Twinkle ShowerIngredient Alchemy 25
Little CometIngredient Alchemy 35
Konron HassenIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 65, 28
Kongou InahoIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 38, 31
Meifu GomaIngredient Alchemy, Clothcraft, Woodworking 46, 11, 53
AirborneIngredient Alchemy, Clothcraft, Woodworking 73, 41, 26
PopstarIngredient Alchemy 54
Air RiderIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 78, 45
Ouka RanmanIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 84, 23
Flame Degen +1Ingredient Alchemy 47
Flame SwordIngredient Alchemy 46
Flame Blade +1Ingredient Alchemy 49
Burning ClaymoreIngredient Alchemy 44
Hellfire SwordIngredient Alchemy 39
Hellfire AxeIngredient Alchemy 42
Homura +1Ingredient Alchemy 59
Gold BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 85, 50
Platinum BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 92, 22
Iron BulletIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 45, 22
GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing, Woodworking 53, 22, 9
GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing, Woodworking 53, 21, 1
GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing, Woodworking 54, 34, 49
Quake GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 58, 29
Quake GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 58, 49
Riot GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 60, 11
Riot GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 63, 11
Riot GrenadeIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 64, 11
BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 41, 18
Silver BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 52, 24
Cannon ShellIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing, Smithing 94, 18, 34
Bronze BulletIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 38, 13
Spartan BulletIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 71, 13
Copper BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 26, 24
Steel BulletIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 49, 30
Electrum BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 40, 24
Tin BulletIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 43, 16
Paktong BulletIngredient Alchemy, Smithing 73, 20
Oberons BulletIngredient Alchemy, Goldsmithing 20, 70
Dark Adaman BulletIngredient Smithing 70

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Moblin Roadman Newton Movalpolos 25% Normal
Scorpion Caster Newton Movalpolos 25% Normal
Moblin Engineman Newton Movalpolos 20% Normal
Gariri Newton Movalpolos 20% Normal
Goblin Headman Newton Movalpolos 12% Normal
Goblin Junkman Newton Movalpolos 12% Normal
Goblin Marksman Newton Movalpolos 12% Normal
ThunderFiend Newton Movalpolos 12% Normal
Aquarian Caster Newton Movalpolos 12% Normal
Qiqirn Enterpriser Aydeewa Subterrane 1% Normal
Qiqirn Archaeologist Aydeewa Subterrane 1% Normal
Qiqirn Mosstrooper Aydeewa Subterrane 1% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Alchemist Guild (Bastok Mines) #1 3360 21862