Item Details

Lacquer Tree Log     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Piece Of Lacquer Tree LumberIngredient Woodworking 91
Piece Of Lacquer Tree LumberIngredient Woodworking 91
Pot Of Lacquer Tree SapIngredient Woodworking 96

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Overgrown Rose Yuhtunga Jungle 6% Normal
Morbol Menace The Boyahda Tree 6% Normal
Demonic Rose The Boyahda Tree 6% Normal
Doyen Quadav Castle Zvahl Keep [S] 6% Normal
Dozing Dorian Abyssea-La Theine 6% Normal
Trudging Thomas Abyssea-La Theine 6% Normal
Grandgousier Abyssea-La Theine 6% Normal
Nguruvilu Abyssea-La Theine 6% Normal
Lugarhoo Abyssea-La Theine 6% Normal
Rose Garden Yuhtunga Jungle 4% Normal
Adamastor Abyssea-La Theine 4% Normal
Baba Yaga Abyssea-La Theine 4% Normal
Lunantishee Riverne-Site B01 3% Normal
Ameretat Wajaom Woodlands 3% Normal
Voluptuous Vilma Yuhtunga Jungle 3% Normal
Anemone Yhoator Jungle 3% Normal
Great Ameretat Aydeewa Subterrane 2% Normal
Mangy-tailed Marvin Abyssea-La Theine 2% Normal
Chasmic Hornet Abyssea-La Theine 2% Normal
Keesha Poppo Abyssea-La Theine 2% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Horns Of War 29.6% 10
Horns Of War 29.6% 10
Hills Are Alive 25.7% 9
Hills Are Alive 25.7% 9
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 19.6% 10
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 19.6% 10
??? 25.7% 9
??? 19.6% 10
??? 29.6% 10
??? 25.7% 9
??? 19.6% 10
??? 29.6% 10

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.