Item Details

Chunk Of Adaman Ore     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Adaman IngotIngredient Smithing 90
Adaman IngotIngredient Smithing 91
Inferno CoreIngredient Smithing 90
Luminous CoreIngredient Smithing 90
Spirit CoreIngredient Smithing 90
Frigid CoreIngredient Smithing 90
Dark Adaman IngotIngredient Smithing 86

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Adamantoise Valley of Sorrows 106% Normal
Triarius X-XV Quicksand Caves 98% Normal
Pygmytoise Gustav Tunnel 98% Normal
CombatSalvemix Abyssea-Konschtat 98% Normal
Hadhayosh Abyssea-La Theine 98% Normal
Battlerigged Chariot Abyssea-Altepa 98% Normal
Pantokrator Abyssea-Uleguerand 98% Normal
Kur Abyssea-Uleguerand 98% Normal
Awahondo Abyssea-Uleguerand 98% Normal
Refitted Chariot Abyssea-Uleguerand 98% Normal
Alfard Abyssea-Grauberg 98% Normal
Lentor Abyssea-Konschtat 98% Normal
Chukwa Abyssea-Tahrongi 89.8% Normal
Aspidochelone Valley of Sorrows 89% Normal
Tribunus VII-I Quicksand Caves 17% Normal
Proconsul XII Quicksand Caves 15% Normal
Phantom Worm Kuftal Tunnel 9% Normal
20 Terrestris Reisenjima Henge 9% Normal
Centurio X-I Quicksand Caves 8% Normal
Lacovie Abyssea-Tahrongi 5.2% Normal
Ansherekh Abyssea-Altepa 4% Normal
Gancanagh Abyssea-Tahrongi 3.1% Normal
Isgebind Abyssea-Uleguerand 1% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Hills Are Alive 10.7% 5
Hills Are Alive 10.7% 5
??? 10.7% 5
??? 2% 5
??? 3.1% 6
??? 5% 6
??? 5% 1
??? 10.7% 5
??? 2% 5
??? 3.1% 6
??? 5% 6
??? 5% 1

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.