Item Details

Coral Fragment     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Saltwater AquariumIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 39, 89
Bay AquariumIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 39, 89
Reef AquariumIngredient Alchemy, Woodworking 39, 89
Lock Of Manticore HairHQ2 Bonecraft 91
Silver IngotHQ2 Bonecraft 83
Square Of Coeurl LeatherHQ2 Bonecraft 72
Square Of Sheep LeatherHQ2 Bonecraft 79
Coral FragmentResult Bonecraft 74
Coral FragmentResult Bonecraft 80
Coral FragmentResult Bonecraft 77
Coral FragmentResult Bonecraft 80
Cursed Harness -1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 100, 41
Piece Of Vivified CoralIngredient Bonecraft 71
Coral Visor +1Ingredient Bonecraft 77
Mermans CapIngredient Bonecraft 78
Mermans HairpinIngredient Bonecraft 77
Coral Scale Mail +1Ingredient Bonecraft 80
Mermans HarnessIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 80, 34
Coral Finger Gauntlets +1Ingredient Bonecraft 74
Mermans MittensIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 74, 48
Coral Cuisses +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 72, 1
Mermans SubligarIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 72, 46
Coral Greaves +1Ingredient Bonecraft 75
Mermans LeggingsIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 76, 41
Mermans GorgetIngredient Bonecraft 79
Mermans EarringIngredient Bonecraft 83
Mermans RingIngredient Bonecraft 80
Mermans BanglesIngredient Bonecraft 87
Clowns Subligar +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 74, 31
Genie TiaraIngredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 91, 38
Mermans SwordIngredient Bonecraft 88
Seadog Gun +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Smithing 68, 49
Giant FemurHQ2 Bonecraft 87
Clowns Subligar +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 74, 31

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Treble Noctules Abyssea-Tahrongi 20.5% Normal
Adze Abyssea-Tahrongi 15% Normal
Za Dha Adamantking Qulun Dome 10% Normal
Tzee Xicu the Manifest Castle Oztroja 10% Normal
Manananggal Abyssea-Tahrongi 9.7% Normal
Adamastor Abyssea-La Theine 9% Normal
Coastal Sahagin Sea Serpent Grotto 8% Normal
Pantagruel Abyssea-La Theine 6% Normal
Mamool Ja Frogman Mamook 5% Normal
Mamool Ja Diver Mamook 5% Normal
WildcatVolunte Abyssea-Konschtat 5% Normal
Piscean Caster Abyssea-Konschtat 5% Normal
Wildcat Vanguard Abyssea-Konschtat 5% Normal
Trudging Thomas Abyssea-La Theine 5% Normal
Toppling Tuber Abyssea-La Theine 5% Normal
Lugarhoo Abyssea-La Theine 5% Normal
Drekavac Abyssea-Attohwa 5% Normal
Ironclad Observer Abyssea-Misareaux 5% Normal
Karkatakam Abyssea-Misareaux 5% Normal
Guimauve Abyssea-Konschtat 5% Normal
Alkonost Abyssea-Konschtat 5% Normal
Balaur Abyssea-Konschtat 5% Normal
Tristitia Abyssea-Misareaux 4.5% Normal
Mxghrah Abyssea-Misareaux 4.5% Normal
Grandgousier Abyssea-La Theine 4% Normal
Overlord Bakgodek Monastic Cavern 3% Normal
Lagoon Sahagin Sea Serpent Grotto 3% Normal
Baba Yaga Abyssea-La Theine 3% Normal
Chasmic Hornet Abyssea-La Theine 3% Normal
Piasa Abyssea-La Theine 3% Normal
Shore Sahagin Sea Serpent Grotto 2% Normal
Delta Sahagin Sea Serpent Grotto 2% Normal
Cardian Prototype Abyssea-Konschtat 2% Normal
La-Theine Liege Abyssea-La Theine 2% Normal
Mangy-tailed Marvin Abyssea-La Theine 2% Normal
Keesha Poppo Abyssea-La Theine 2% Normal
Tunga Abyssea-Attohwa 2% Normal
Gangly Gean Abyssea-Konschtat 2% Normal
Khalamari Abyssea-Konschtat 2% Normal
Vee Qiqas Elemental Abyssea-Konschtat 1% Normal
Megamaw Mikey Abyssea-La Theine 1% Normal
raskovnik Abyssea-Konschtat 1% Normal
Bakka Abyssea-Konschtat 1% Normal

BCNM Drops

BCNMRateTreasure Pool #
Horns Of War 7% 3
Horns Of War 14.1% 8
Horns Of War 7% 3
Horns Of War 14.1% 8
Double Dragonian 9.5% 5
Double Dragonian 9.5% 5
Contaminated Colosseum 10.1% 5
Contaminated Colosseum 10.1% 5
Hills Are Alive 11.6% 3
Hills Are Alive 13.9% 7
Hills Are Alive 11.6% 3
Hills Are Alive 13.9% 7
Operation Desert Swarm 5.2% 4
Operation Desert Swarm 5.2% 4
Prehistoric Pigeons 10.1% 5
Prehistoric Pigeons 10.1% 5
Treasures And Tribulations 1.1% 1
Treasures And Tribulations 1.1% 1
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 3.2% 4
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 8.7% 8
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 3.2% 4
Early Bird Catches The Wyrm 8.7% 8
Amphibian Assault 15% 5
??? 1.1% 1
??? 11.6% 3
??? 13.9% 7
??? 5.2% 4
??? 10.1% 5
??? 3.2% 4
??? 8.7% 8
??? 7% 3
??? 14.1% 8
??? 9.5% 5
??? 10.1% 5
??? 1.1% 1
??? 11.6% 3
??? 13.9% 7
??? 5.2% 4
??? 10.1% 5
??? 3.2% 4
??? 8.7% 8
??? 7% 3
??? 14.1% 8

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.