Item Details

Square Of Shagreen     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Ebon MaskIngredient Leathercraft, Smithing 95, 60
Furia MaskIngredient Leathercraft, Smithing 95, 60
Ebur MaskIngredient Leathercraft, Smithing 95, 60
Ebon HarnessIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 35, 100, 60
Furia HarnessIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 35, 100, 60
Ebur HarnessIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft, Smithing 35, 100, 60
Ebon GlovesIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 60, 95
Furia GlovesIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 60, 95
Ebur GlovesIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 60, 95
Ebon BraisIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 60, 95
Furia BraisIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 60, 95
Ebur BraisIngredient Clothcraft, Leathercraft 60, 95
Ebon BootsIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 60, 95
Furia BootsIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 60, 95
Ebur BootsIngredient Goldsmithing, Leathercraft 60, 95

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Piscean Caster Abyssea-Konschtat 10% Normal
NailBomb Abyssea-Konschtat 10% Normal
Divine Templar Abyssea-Konschtat 10% Normal
Turul Abyssea-Konschtat 10% Normal
Eccentric Eve Abyssea-Konschtat 10% Normal
Bakka Abyssea-Konschtat 10% Normal
Gigas Flesher Beaucedine Glacier [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Pelter Beaucedine Glacier [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Cleaver Beaucedine Glacier [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Pounder Beaucedine Glacier [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Lopper Xarcabard [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Slugger Xarcabard [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Flogger Xarcabard [S] 1% Normal
Gigas Hurler Xarcabard [S] 1% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Item does not appear to be sold at any Guild Vendors.