Item Details

Crab Shell     
Stackable: 12


Recipe NameTypeSkill
Spool Of Linen ThreadHQ2 Bonecraft 48
Square Of Dhalmel LeatherHQ2 Bonecraft 46
Mythril NuggetResult Bonecraft 42
Crab ShellResult Bonecraft 44
Crab ShellResult Bonecraft 50
Giant FemurResult Bonecraft 68
Loop Of Carbon FiberHQ2 Goldsmithing 67
Vivio Crab ShellIngredient Bonecraft 41
Luminous Crab ShellIngredient Bonecraft 41
Carapace Subligar +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 48, 12
Blue GorgetIngredient Bonecraft 49
Carapace Ring +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Goldsmithing 42, 11
Carapace Mask +1Ingredient Bonecraft 45
Carapace Harness +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 50, 13
Carapace Mittens +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 44, 11
Carapace Leggings +1Ingredient Bonecraft, Leathercraft 46, 12
Bone Patas +1Ingredient Bonecraft 68
Kilo FanIngredient Bonecraft 71

Monster Drops

Mob NameZoneRateDrop Type
Aquarius The Boyahda Tree 71% Normal
Cargo Crab Colin Korroloka Tunnel 51% Normal
Cutter Castle Oztroja 40% Normal
Robber Crab Gustav Tunnel 31% Normal
Crimson Knight Crab Lufaise Meadows 22% Normal
Divine Martyr Lufaise Meadows 22% Normal
Shadoweye Gnat Misareaux Coast 22% Normal
Scavenger Crab Toraimarai Canal 21% Normal
Glen Crab Abyssea-Grauberg 21% Normal
Clipper Korroloka Tunnel 16% Normal
Bigclaw Misareaux Coast 15% Normal
Snipper Valkurm Dunes 15% Normal
Shadowfang Void Misareaux Coast 15% Normal
Steelshell The Boyahda Tree 14% Normal
Viseclaw The Boyahda Tree 14% Normal
Thalassinon Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Spoutdrenched Toad Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Rustwater Toad Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Waterway Pugil Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Stillwater Funguar Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Chalybeous Slime Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Flavescent Slime Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Baleful Tarichuk Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Unrelenting Eft Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Pewter Diremite Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Depthswalker Crab Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Barnacle Crab Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Weatherworn Leech Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Duskjaw Obdella Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Skittering Spider Rala Waterways 14% Normal
NewMoon Bat Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Duskbringer Bat Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Plantpassage Slug Rala Waterways 14% Normal
Calfcleaving Chapuli Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Canopycrusher Beetle Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Umbril Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Burning Mantis Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Twitherym Infestation Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Nettled Wasp Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Ulbukan Sheep Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Pinetorum Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Edacious Orobon Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Bight Uragnite Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Luckybug Hoarder Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Numbing Blossom Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Monstrosiraptor Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Hinterland Peiste Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Verdant Treant Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Broad Scarlet Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Fiery Wasp Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Velkk Marauder Yahse Hunting Grounds 14% Normal
Fluffy Sheep Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
IrascibleBae Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
Twigtrip Lapinion Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
Appetent Umbril Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
UnbridledUng Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
Numbling Blossom Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
Cornered Heartwing Ceizak Battlegrounds 14% Normal
BumblingLeafkin Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
Twirling Heartwing Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
GrimyBoulder Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
Matamata Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
BasaltLizard Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
AlpineEft Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
OutlandsPeiste Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
Snaggletooth raptor Morimar Basalt Fields 14% Normal
Burrowing Chapuli Sih Gates 14% Normal
Bonaria Sih Gates 14% Normal
Javelin Wasp Sih Gates 14% Normal
Loathsome Obdella Sih Gates 14% Normal
Malodorous Twitherym Sih Gates 14% Normal
Craklaw Sih Gates 14% Normal
Pungent Fungus Sih Gates 14% Normal
Fulvous Jagil Sih Gates 14% Normal
Ferocious Funguar Sih Gates 14% Normal
Bloated Acuex Sih Gates 14% Normal
Knotted Root Sih Gates 14% Normal
Cthonic Chapuli Sih Gates 14% Normal
MenacingMantis Moh Gates 14% Normal
Gleeful Ungeweder Moh Gates 14% Normal
Cave Panopt Moh Gates 14% Normal
Erythemic Eft Moh Gates 14% Normal
Repugnant Twitherym Moh Gates 14% Normal
Thirsting Obdella Moh Gates 14% Normal
Blustering Twitherym Moh Gates 14% Normal
Highwing Chapuli Moh Gates 14% Normal
Conflagrant Eruca Moh Gates 14% Normal
Erupting Geyser Moh Gates 14% Normal
Disturbed Matamata Moh Gates 14% Normal
Pepper Hare Moh Gates 14% Normal
Ruby Raptor Moh Gates 14% Normal
Scoriaceous Clot Moh Gates 14% Normal
Nachtschatten Moh Gates 14% Normal
Writhing Obdella Moh Gates 14% Normal
SkittishMatamata Moh Gates 14% Normal
Balas Bats Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Pallid Funguar Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Foreboding Funguar Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Grossular Bat Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Livid Umbril Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Flatus Acuex Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Crepuscular Worm Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Tenebrous Obdella Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Tunnel Lizard Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Invidious Lizard Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Subteranne Spider Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Speckled Spider Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Asperous Marolith Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Fuliginous Mandragora Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Igneous Clot Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
PutridAcuex Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
MoistFunguar Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Banespore Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Acuex Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
SordidLizard Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
MoltenClot Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
UmbrilShadew Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
PutridFungua Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
PyreBat Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
OregorgerWorm Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
ToothCaveTar Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
TormentedObdella Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
SlagMandragora Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
FrightfulFungar Cirdas Caverns 14% Normal
Ghost Crab Bibiki Bay 13.3% Normal
Rock Crab Sea Serpent Grotto 13% Normal
Ironshell Sea Serpent Grotto 13% Normal
Grindylow Bibiki Bay 12.5% Normal
Wootzshell Mount Zhayolm 9% Normal
Orichalcumshell Mount Zhayolm 9% Normal
Gasher Abyssea-Misareaux 8% Normal
Perfidious Crab Foret de Hennetiel 4.1% Normal
Triangle Crab Carpenters Landing 1% Normal
Blind Crab Oldton Movalpolos 1% Normal
Nipper Arrapago Reef 1% Normal
Sicklemoon Crab Mount Zhayolm 1% Normal
Mamook Crab Mamook 1% Normal
Aydeewa Crab Aydeewa Subterrane 1% Normal
Vermivorous Crab West Ronfaure 1% Normal
Passage Crab West Ronfaure 1% Normal
Coral Crab La Theine Plateau 1% Normal
Thickshell La Theine Plateau 1% Normal
Stag Crab Valkurm Dunes 1% Normal
Knight Crab Jugner Forest 1% Normal
Mole Crab South Gustaberg 1% Normal
Cancer Kuftal Tunnel 1% Normal
Greatclaw Sea Serpent Grotto 1% Normal
Land Crab Dangruf Wadi 1% Normal
Ocean Crab Ship bound for Selbina 1% Normal
Sea Crab Ship bound for Selbina 1% Normal
River Crab East Ronfaure [S] 1% Normal
Stone Crab North Gustaberg [S] 1% Normal
Savanna Crab West Sarutabaruta [S] 1% Normal
Mugger Crab West Sarutabaruta [S] 1% Normal
SubmarineNippe Vunkerl Inlet [S] 1% Normal
Angler Crab Beaucedine Glacier [S] 1% Normal
TzeeXicus Elemental Oldton Movalpolos 1% Normal
WarLynx Lufaise Meadows 1% Normal
Chigoe Misareaux Coast 1% Normal
Sentinel Crab Abyssea-La Theine 1% Normal
Slasher Abyssea-Misareaux 1% Normal

BCNM Drops

No BCNM drop information available.

Guild Vendors

Guild IDMin PriceMax Price
Bonecraft Guild (Windurst Woods) #1 3469 11306